This medal is awarded to any member of the Society who, in the opinion of the Council, has made a significant contribution to advancing the Society's objectives.

Award of the RASSL Medal

  • The RAS Medal shall be awarded once in three years.
  • The Honorary Jt. Secretaries shall call for nominations for the award of the Medal after the lapse of three years from the date of the last Award, giving one month’s notice.
  • Any member of the Society who, in the opinion of the Council, has made a significant contribution towards the furtherance of the Society’s objects* is eligible for nomination for this Award.
  • A member may submit a nomination for a second time only on condition that he/she has made further contributions towards the furtherance of the Society’s aims subsequent to the date of his/her first Award, and after the lapse of five years from that date.
  • Nominations shall be made in duplicate on the prescribed application form certified by two members of the Society, of at least three years standing.
  • The Honorary Jt. Secretaries shall submit copies of nominations received to each member of the Council for consideration at the meeting to be held immediately after the closing of nominations at which meeting two thirds of the membership has to be present.
  • The decision as regards the award of the Medal shall be on a majority vote, and the voting shall be by secret ballot.
  • The decision of the Council shall be final.
  • The Award shall be made at the subsequent Annual General Meeting of the Society.