Article Submission Guidelines

Welcome to the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (JRASSL). We are pleased to provide the following guidelines for contributors who wish to submit articles for publication in our esteemed journal. These guidelines are designed to ensure that all submissions meet our standards for quality and consistency, facilitating a smooth and efficient review process.
Article Submission Guidelines
Language Articles should be written in British English style and spellings.
Layout and Contents
  1. Title: This should be concise and reflect the contents of the article.
  2. Author/s: Provide last names with initials, e-mail addresses, and institutional affiliations. Identify the corresponding author with asterisks.
  3. Abstract: A maximum of 300 words capturing the essence of the article.
  4. Keywords: Include five keywords at the end of the abstract.
  5. Body: The article should not exceed 8000 words, excluding references. Use sub-headings where necessary.
  6. Methodology: Should be precisely and briefly mentioned.
  7. Graphics: Include high-resolution photographs (at least 600dpi) as separate files. Figure/illustration/image numbers and captions should be included in the text where they appear.
  8. Results, Discussion, and Conclusion: Results (if applicable) and discussion should be concise, and conclusions should be logically drawn.
  9. References: List references using the Harvard style. Please see the section on references on the website.
  10. Font Type and Size: Use Arial 11, double-spaced.
  11. Declaration: Authors must sign the JRASSL Author Declaration Form, stating that no act of plagiarism has been committed.
Submission Details
  • Electronic: Email submissions to the RASSL Publications Committee at
  • Text Format: Use MS Word, Arial font 11, double-spaced paragraphs. Include all figures and photographs as separate high-quality JPEG or TIFF files (minimum 600dpi resolution).
Review Process All articles will undergo a blind review before acceptance.
Copyright Publication rights are held by the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka.

Guidelines for Citation and References
  • References in the text should follow specific formats. In multiple citations, list references in the order they were published.
  • For multiple publications by the same author in the same year, use letters to distinguish them (e.g., Ricketts 2004a, Ricketts 2004b).
List of References
  • Journal: Ricketts T.H. (2004). Tropical forest fragments enhance pollinator activity in nearby coffee crops. Conservation Biology, 18(5), 1262-1271.
  • Open Access Journal: Turner E.C., Snaddon J.L., Fayle T.M., & Foster W.A. (2008). Oil palm research in context: identifying the need for biodiversity assessment. PlosOne, 3(2), e1572.
  • Thesis: Rodriguez J.P. (1999). Ecology of contraction of geographical distributions. PhD Thesis, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, viii+143pp.
  • Book: Groves C. (2001). Primate Taxonomy. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, viii+350pp.
  • Edited Book: Stuart S.N., Hoffmann M., Chanson J.S., Cox N.A., Berridge R.J., Ramani P., & Young B.E. (Eds.). (2008). Threatened Amphibians of the World. Lynx Editions, Barcelona, Spain; IUCN, Gland, Switzerland; and Conservation International, Arlington, Virginia, USA, xv+758pp.
  • Edited Book (Multiple Volumes): Wilson D.E., & Reeder D.M. (Eds.). (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd edition, Vol. 1 & 2. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp.i‐xxxv+1‐743 & pp.ixvii+745‐2142.
  • Book Chapter: Lertzman D.A. (2003). Caveat on consilience: barriers and bridges for traditional knowledge and conservation science. In: Westley F.R., & Miller P.S. (Eds.), Experiments in Consilience: Integrating Social and Scientific Responses to Save Endangered Species. Island Press, Washington, pp. 284‐297.
  • Peer-reviewed Monograph: Nguyen M.T., Pham D.T., & Nguyen P.T. (2003). Conservation of rodents in tropical forests of Vietnam. In: Singleton G.R., Hinds L.A., Krebs C.J., & Spratt D.M. (Eds.), Rats, Mice, and People: Rodent Biology and Management. ACIAR Monograph No. 96, Canberra, pp. 246‐250.
  • Report: Kumar S., Shetty B.V., Bennet D., & Molur S. (2000). Report of the Conservation Assessment and Management Plan Workshop on Endemic Orchids of the Western Ghats. Zoo Outreach Organization & CBSG South Asia, Coimbatore, India, 150pp.
  • Web Source: China Plant Specialist Group. (2004). Aristolochia westlandii. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved from <> on 26 January 2009.
  • Web Source: Eschmeyer W.N., & Fong J.D. (2008). Species of Fishes by Family/Subfamily. Retrieved from <> on 26 January 2009.